Thursday, January 19, 2006

The most humble man I know

It has been a long time I know. I have been reading as opposed to studying. I'm reading Numbers, Mere Christianity, and Biblical Eldership. The last two have been rather sporadic as of late. But I came across something in Numbers that I just can't shake, in 12:3 it reads, (Now the man Moses was very humble, more than any man who was on the face of the earth.) It just amazes me, that at a time in my life when I seem to be hyper-sensitive to pride in my own life, I am presented with Moses as an example of humility. I've been reflecting a lot on the life of Moses, and even though it wasn't my first thought, I have a strong feeling it was the time spent with God, face to face. I'm sure that would do it. It seems the more time I spend with God, the more humble I become. Maybe soon I'll get a "Most Humble Man I Know" t-shirt.