Monday, May 28, 2007

My Wife and my iPod.

I haven't posted in a while. I have been working on a reply to the Dan's post and I've got nothin', well nearly nothin'.

Yesterday, my wife touched my heart in a special way. After church we went out to lunch. As we were exiting the car, Tricia hands me forty-five bucks. Of course I give her the "Where did this come from?" look. So she tells me, "I've been saving the cash you leave me, so I could buy you a new iPod." I was floored. That she would take what I had given to bless her, she was going to use to bless me. It made my eyes misty. Tricia is the best wife ever.


ann said...

That's so sweet, B.
Say hello from me.

Brian said...

I failed to mention that she has(had) enough to buy a new iPod. She is trying to put the money into the grocery budget instead of getting herself something nice.