Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Vicarious Suffering

A while back, I blogged on the joys I have discovered in the blessing of others. This weekend, the flipside of Rom 12:15 was brought to life, weeping with those that weep. Immense is the difference between driving by a serious car wreck and driving by and recognizing your close friends' car in a serious wreck. In the first incident, you may see people already helping and decide to keep moving, nothing to see here. But the second, you most assuredly stop, if you actually call them friend behind their back.

I pulled over for my friends this weekend and wept with them. Got angry at the other driver with them and covered them with prayer. There wasn't any room to ride in the ambulance, but I will be there to minister to wounds as best I can. I will also be keeping my hands at ten o'clock and two o'clock when I drive, with my eyes on the road. This wreck wasn't an accident, it may have been avoided, if everyone had been paying attention.

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